Welcome to Qin Cheng Chen's blog

Drag and Drop Showcase

A simple app demonstrating a drag and drop behavior behind Trello.



Check out the Source

Build with React and React-DnD

Bootstrapped with Create-react-app

Sudoku Web App With Dart

screen shot

Check out the app hosted on heroku http://qin-cheng-chen.herokuapp.com/sudokudart.html

Build with Dart

Fun with Scala Parallel Collection


The above image is the output of the following scala program

It took over 22.811 second to generate 1000 by 1000 fractal image, the max iteration is set at 50000 per pixel. This is without parallelization. So let’s introduce parallel processing to the program with one line of change. Made the following change to line 40 to the above code.

// Before
val pms = (0 to n * n).map { (x => computeColor(x / n, x % n)) } // work gets done here

// After
val pms = (0 to n * n).par.map { (x => computeColor(x / n, x % n)) } // work gets done here

// notice the extra method call par after the list

The new fractal image took only 3.771 second to generate, over 6 fold increase.

CPU activity

Notice that all 8 cores of my i7-2600K CPU is pulling its weight. A simple method call par after a collection gives you the power of parallelism.